Archive 2007

20th Steering Committee was held on Oct. 29, 2007.

Discussions were had on the reports on the 2007 summer researches, requests for the 2008 campaign, application to the funds, etc.

19th Steering Committee was held on Sept. 7, 2007.

Discussions were had on the on the researches of 2007 summer, new office member, future plans, etc.

2007 summer open use of Mt. Fuji Weather Station was safely finished(September 5, 2007)

58 days attended operation of Mt. Fuji weather station were safely finished, supporting 212 in 9 research groups.

Atmospheric chemistry research at the summit of Mt. Fuji is now going on!


 Mt. Fuji Observatory Building No.1.
Instrumentation for the measurement of atmospheric trace species installed on the second floor of Mt. Fuji Observatory Building No.1.
Instruments include SO2 monitor, sulfate particulate analyzer, integrating nephelometer, aethalometer, filter samplers (sequential low-vol sampler, sequential soil dust sampler), scanning mobility particulate seizer, optical particle counter, Radon monitor, ozone monitor, aerosol impactors for electron microscopic analysis, aldehyde adsorption tube, hydrocarbon adsorption tube, and CO2 flask sampling.

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Black Carbon Concentration Aerosol Light Scattering Coefficient
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Ozone Concentration


Quick reports on the temporal variation of black carbon, aerosol scattering coefficient measurements (Naoki Kaneyasu), and surface ozone at the summit (JAMSTEC/ Tokyo Metropolitan University/ NPO Mt. Fuji)
(Click figures to enlarge and to read description)

18th Steering Committee was held on Aug. 1, 2007.

Discussions were had on the International symposium and workshop on July 17-18, 2007, on the present observations and problems at the summit, on the proposals from research groups and on the report of the office management, etc.

World Eco-Science Network Conference and satellite workshops were successfully finished having more than 250 participants.

Thanks to the kind cooperation of Dentsu. Inc., the international workshop on July 16 and symposium on July 17 were had in very sophisticated ways. These meetings were focused on the global environmental problems sent from Mt. Fuji, which produced a strong impression to the audiences. (Details will be shown soon)


8th Academic Committee was held on July 7, 2007.

Discussions were had the international workshop on July 16 and international symposium on July 17, 2007.

The approval to utilize the Mt. Fuji Weather Station by NPOwas notified.

NPO office received the notification at 14:00 on June 14, 2007 of the approval to the submitted application form to utilize the Mt. Fuji Weather Station.

17th Steering Committee was held on June 27, 2007.

The present status of the summit of Mt. Fuji was reported and discussions were had on research schedules etc.

7th Academic Committee was held on June 13, 2007.

Discussions were had on the application form to JMA, contract with supporting staff and the research schedule at the weather station for the coming July to August.

The first board meeting for 2007 and the second general meeting were held at Gakushikaikan on May 25, 2007.

Report of the settlement of last fiscal year and the proposal of the budget of the coming year, as well as the recommendation of committee members were submitted and approved as well as the approval of the new board members, Mrs. K. Hashimoto, Mr. S. Tanigaki, Dr. M. Nishigaki and Dr. K. Horiguch.

The 6th Academic Committee was held on May 23, 2007.

Discussions were had on the observation schedules, on the international workshop/symposium on July 16-17, 2007, on the future research plans.

16th Steering Committee was held on May 22, 2007.

Receiving the JMA’s public announcement on the Mt. Fuji Weather Station for rent (May 18, 2007), active discussions were had on the formalities, on the 2007 summer observation plan. Also discussions were had on the General Meeting (May 25, 2007) and on the international workshop/symposium (July 16-17, 2007), etc.

The 5th Academic Committee was had on April 25, 2007

Discussions were had on the details of the observation plan and the supporting system of coming summer.

15th Steering Committee was held on April.18, 2007.

This is the first steering committee in this fiscal year. Visits to JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) and MOE (Ministry of Environment). were reported. Discussions were had on the 2007 summer observation plan, the international workshop/symposium on July 16-17, 2007, etc.

14th Steering Committee was held on Mar.14, 2007.

More detailed discussions were had on the utilization plan of the weather station for “ Monitoring trans boundary air pollution” etc., which will be sent to JMA as an application.

13th Steering Committee was held on Feb.28, 2007.

Active discussions were had on the plan to rent the weather station from JMA in coming July to August, on the way of management, on the future research activities, another international symposium on July 17, 2007, Mt. Fuji school of 2007 etc.

4th Academic committee was held on January 25, 2007

Discussions were had on the report of 2006 for JAMSTC, on new fund applications, and also on the 2007 summer campaign.


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The mission of MFRS is to support and enhance the activities of researchers and students in various fields of science and education by maintaining and providing a unique Research Station atop Mt. Fuji.

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