Archive 2006

The international workshop and symposium on Mt. Fuji Project were successfully finished

The international workshop and symposium on Mt. Fuji Project (sponsored by JSPS and supported by NPO “Valid utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station”) were successfully finished with 70 or more attendants for each day, Nov. 22 and 23. Active discussions were had in addition to the excellent lectures given by Prof. E. Flueckiger (University of Bern), Dr. R. Schnell (NOAA, USA), Prof. N. H. Lin (National Central University, Taiwan), Prof.Ge Ri-Li (Qinghai University, China) and Dr. H. Akimoto(JAMSTEC, Japan).

Call for papers: Submission deadline is Oct. 20, 2006Templates of abstract submission forms are available

NPO is supporting the International Workshop and Symposium on Mt. Fuji Project: For the establishment of a “high mountain observation platform of extreme environment” (organized by the JSPS fund 18631002 group).
2nd circular is shown below:
Please mail your abstract to:

5th-7th Mt. Fuji School was successfully finished


10th Steering committee was held on September 8, 2006.

Discussions were had on the meeting with JMA and on the International Workshop/ Symposium which will be organized by the JSPS fund 18631002 group.It is decided that NPO will support the International Workshop and Symposium on Mt. Fuji Project: For the establishment of a “high mountain observation platform of extreme environment”, detail of which will be shown in


 3rd Academic was held on August 25, 2006

Active discussions were had on the collaboration with JAMSTEC, on the negotiations with MEXT and ME, as well as the international symposium which is planed to have on coming November. Recent movements of JMA on the management of the weather station were also reported.


4th Mt. Fuji School was successfully finished

3rd Mt. Fuji School, "Inspection Tours to Mt. Fuji Weather Station" were successfully finished

On August 12 and 13, 2006, inspection tours to Mt. Fuji Weather Station were held as the 3rd course of Mt. Fuji School. Students and researchers participated were 40 in all. Unusual hail and thunderstorm welcomed the participants in the afternoon of August 12, giving a wild salute.

2nd Mt. Fuji School "Inspection Tours to Mt. Fuji Weather Station" were successfully finished.

32 participated the Mt. Fuji Weather Station inspection tour in all, as a part of the Mt. Fuji School, on July 15 and 16, 2006. Beautiful weather on 15th, but rainy and windy on 16th, both participants enjoyed different features of the top of Mt. Fuji.


2nd Academic Committee and 9th Steering Committee were held on July 7,2006.

Active discussions were had on the application to the funds. According to the amendment of the low to manage the public facilities (including Mt. Fuji Weather Station),discussions were had on the plans to lent the facility by NPO.


Report of Former Prime Minister, Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto's death

We, NPO members, grieve over the sudden death of our director Mr. R. Hashimoto, who loved Mt. Fuji Weather Station and made great effort for its survival.


8th Steering Committee was held on June 15, 2006.

After the first class of Mt. Fuji Science School (successfully started with 50 participants eagerly listening to the lectures from Mr. Yuichiro Miura, a famous Everest climber), the 8th steering committee was held on June 15. Discussions were done on the coming inspection tour to Mt. Fuji Weather Station, future programs and etc.


A celebration symposium of the authorization was successfully held with an audience of 108.The title was " How the Mt. Fuji Weather Station was established and supported: History and drama"

The 1st general meeting and the 1st board meeting of 2006 fiscal year were held at Shinjuku, Tokyo on May 26, 2006.

Report of the settlement of last fiscal year and the proposal of the budget of the coming year, as well as the recommendation of committee members were submitted and approved.


7th Steering Committee was held on May 19, 2006

Discussions were had on the visit to the director general of JMA, on the coming general meeting and symposium on May 26 and on the plan of Mt. Fuji Science School.


The NPO "Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station" was authorized on April 28, 2006.

6th Steering Committee was held on April 28, 2006.

Discussions were had on the first general meeting after the authorization on May 26, 2006 and the symposium in the evening.


1st Academic Committee of the NPO was held on April 21.

Discussions were had on the future activities and fund applications.


5th Steering Committee was held on March 23, 2006

Discussions were had on the report of Mt. Fuji International Symposium and also on future plans of the NPO.


Slides used at Mt. Fuji International Workshop (March 4, 2006)


Top page of NPO“Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station”

Mt. Fuji International Workshop and Symposium were held successfully on March 4 and 5, having 50 and 80 participants, respectively.

Professors P. Bartsch (Monte Rosa) and Y.S. Kim (Mt. Changbai) and Dr. R.C.Schnell (Mauna Loa) gave excellent talks. We have shared important information on researches of multi-discipline. Very animated discussions were had which were followed by a proclamation of an appeal to let the Mt. Fuji Weather Station be survive as an international platform of interdisciplinary research and education in the name of all the participants.
Research Proposal


Slides used at Mt. Fuji International Workshop (March 4, 2006)


The international symposium was Supported byTaisei Nature, History, and Environmental Fund, TAISEI CORPORATION, MITUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION and FUJIKYUKO CORPORATION.

Research Proposals

4th Steering committee was held on February 20, 2006.

Detailed schedule of Mt. Fuji International Symposium was discussed.

The program of international workshop and symposium(March 4-5, 2006) is fixed.



 3rd Steering Committee was held on January 27, 2006.

The program of international workshop and symposium has been almost fixed, which will appear soon


 (Jan. 6,2006) New Year Message from the chair person of the board director, Emeritus Prof. Katsumi Asano

 International Symposium and workshop will be held on March 4-5, 2006 at Gakushikaikan, Tokyo

March 4(Sat.) International Workshop on Research at Mt. Fuji Weather Station (Room 202, Gakushikaikan, Tokyo), inviting the researchers of Mauna Loa, Monte Rosa and Chan Bai Shan.

March 5(Sun.) Mt. Fuji International Symposium –
Future of Mt. Fuji Weather Station-

 3rd Steering Committee will be held on January 27, 2006 in Tokyo.

 On December 26, 2005 the application of NPO format was submitted at the Cabinet office, where the format was immediately received.

 2nd Steering Committee was held on Dec. 19, 2005 at Tokyo Office(4 Kojimachi, Chiyodaku, Tokyo) main subjects: schedules for 2006, including the international symposium in March.

 General meeting on the foundation of NPO was held on November 27(Sunday) at Gakushikaikan, Tokyo (which included the first steering committee). 85 attended.

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The mission of MFRS is to support and enhance the activities of researchers and students in various fields of science and education by maintaining and providing a unique Research Station atop Mt. Fuji.

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