A study for CO2 observation for long-term at the summit of Mt. Fuji

Hitoshi MUKAI
Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institude for Environmental Studies


Mt. Fuji is positioned the central in main island of Japan and the summit of Mt. Fuji is located in the free troposphere which is not affected by the ground throughout the year. So, atmospheric CO2 concentration at the summit of Mt. Fuji shows the background CO2 concentration in middle latitudes in Asian region. National institute for Environmental studies, Japan (NIES) developed the CO2 instrument which can operate and measure atmospheric CO2 concentration for a year by the power in 100 batteries and installed the instrument at the summit. We got CO2 data for 8 years because CO2 instrument worked well at the summit. This summer we were updated 50 batteries to operate the CO2 instrument for long-term. So, then our instrument may be able to operate until 2040. 
We began to the flask sampling once a month at the summit to monitor greenhouse gases include CO2. δ13C-CO2 and δ18O-CO2 at the summit of Mt. Fuji showed to similar to those of background site as Mauna Loa Observatory.

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