10th Annual Meeting

The 10th Annual Meeting of NPO Mount Fuji Research Station (former Valid Utilization of Mt. Fuji Weather Station) was successfully held on March 5, 2017, as a collaboration with Mountain Atmosphere Research Division (MARD) Tokyo University of Science, at Tokyo University of Science.  The number of audience attended was as many as 99.  15 aural and 18 poster presentations were had.

Oral presentation at the 212 classroom (Tokyo University of Science)

 Oral presentations were started at 10 am in the 212 class room.  Many of the presentations included the collected studies of 10 years. From 2007 when NPO activity has started.

Assistant Professor Kojiro Shimada of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Tech., presented "International Collaboration Research of Japan-Taiwan”.  Associate Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi of University of Yamanashi was the Chair of the session.


In order to elucidate the actual situation of trans-boundary air pollution, a cooperated research has been performed with East Asian countries Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and South Korea, as a network of international joint observation in island area and mountain area. The results of joint observation of Japan-Taiwn of August, 2016 at MFRS was resented by Dr. Shimada.

A report on “a year-round observation of atmospheric mercury” was resented by Dr. Naoki Kaneyasu (AIST), financially supported by Japan Post.


Presentation by Professor S. Matsui of Kyoto City University of Arts


The utilization Fields of Mount Fuji Research Station have been extended widely even to the fields of art.  In the summer campaign 2017,  Professor Shiro Matsui of Kyoto City University of Arts performed a research on “Message in a bottle” at MFRS, carrying up a special bottle which had been on a space shuttle and asking participants to write their feeling on it.

 Mr. Masahiro Momoi (Tokyo University of Science) presented an overview at the beginning of the poster session


 12 poster presentations was shown in the 222 classroom.  At the beginning of the core time, as a new attempt of this year, 1 minute overview on the poster was presented by each authors.     


Poster presentaion at the 222 class room

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